Article in Heise Online regarding EAMO
This is the first article we are aware of which describes EAMO in German language.
Article in Washington Post re. methane removal
COP26 may prove to be a turning point in our pledge for methane removal. Due to the great work of MethaneAction in Glasgow the subject gets more attention in the media.
Article in Science magazine advocates methane removal
A first article in the reknown magazine Science makes our cause more publicly known.
Press Release by AMR
Our first press release!
U.S., Europe plan joint push to cut methane
The Global Methane Pledge aims to cut emissions of the potent greenhouse gas by at least 30 percent by the end of the decade.
Rain on the Ice of Greenland
For the first time in history it has been raining on the ice-shield of Greenland.
AMR changes strategy from land-based towers to oil-rigs
AMR has changed its technical concept from land-based towers to unused oil-rigs.
Public Video talk
Renaud de Richter and Oswald Petersen talked to Metta Spencer on Zoom.
New UN report on methane Emissions
The United Nations have issued a global assessment to take urgent steps for reduction of methane emissions.
Scientists’ Statement on Lowering Atmospheric Methane Concentrations
Scientists from the US, England, Japan, Canada, France and Germany have signed a letter which can be found here. The list of signees includes, among others, authorities like Michael Mann and David King.