
Reducing methane from the atmosphere is much more efficient in terms of global temperature reduction than removing CO2. EAMO enables mankind to put the brakes on global warming – it enhances nature’s well-established way of oxidising methane in the atmosphere. The climate crisis calls for immediate action – EAMO gives us the means to restore our climate.

Methane removal alone will not put the climate crisis to an end. Our carbon-driven economy must be completely overhauled, all industrial processes must become carbon-free, and we all must reduce our carbon-footprint. 

The climate crisis is the biggest challenge to mankind in the 21st century, but we are not completely helpless. We have cleaned up many of our rivers, we have restored most of the ozone layer, we will clean up the oceans, and we will take care of the atmosphere. Global warming is so severe, we cannot ignore it. We are the ones who created the mess, and we will have to clean it up.

Advantages of EAMO

EAMO allows cooling the atmosphere by 0.5 degrees. It is a temporary measure which will bridge the gap until all GHG emissions have ended.

EAMO is the only solution available which allows GHG removal at the required speed and scale, so we can possibly stay under 2.0°C by 2050.

EAMO cools the planet in three ways. It removes methane, ozone and CO2 from the atmosphere.

In comparison to Direct Air Capture (DAC) EAMO costs less by a factor of 100-1000 per ton of CO2e removed.

EAMO enhances existing, natural processes.     

Only nature can solve the climate crisis. It is upon us to enhance nature’s self-healing properties – so we can restore our planet.

The way ahead

EAMO is a possible solution to the climate crisis. It certainly requires more research, but one conclusion can be drawn already at this stage: The climate crisis, which has been caused by human mismanagement, can be solved by human global climate management. The technical means are available, AMR, among others, can provide them. It is now up to the elites in science, industry and politics to take up the torch and lead the way ahead. 


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