FeCl3 oxidising methane – ballpark figures
This recent paper of AMR calculates the amount of ferric chloride needed to remove 300 MT of methane per year.
Approaching a solution to the climate crisis
This paper describes our solution to the climate crisis.
The Legal Framework of Atmospheric Methane Oxidation
AMR is getting more attention. Here the authors explore the legal possibilities for EAMO in the United States. Removing Methane from the Atmosphere: New Sabin Report on Atmospheric Methane Destruction via Oxidation Enhancement – Climate Law Blog (columbia.edu)
New Article regarding methane removal
The growing interest in methane removal produces more scientific articles, here is one of them. How much methane removal is required to avoid overshooting 1.5 ∘C? – IOPscience
New scientific paper on climate cooling methods
Addressing the Urgent Need for Direct Climate Cooling: Rationale and Options (PDF) Addressing the Urgent Need for Direct Climate Cooling: Rationale and Options (researchgate.net)
A research roadmap for exploring AMR
A group of scientists at universities in Denmark and the Netherlands published a 5-year plan to research the validity of Enhanced Atmospheric Methane Oxidation. This is welcome news. AMR plans to drive ahead the technical development in a similar timeframe, which means both could learn from each other. Field tests conducted by AMR could, for […]
Addressing the Urgent Need for Direct Climate Cooling: Rationale and Options
A new paper highlights the need for direct climate cooling Addressing the Urgent Need for Direct Climate Cooling: Rationale and Options (essopenarchive.org)
AMR Press Declaration
AMR has released a press declaration which you can find here: AMR AG has Developed a Technical Solution to Cool the Global Climate by 0.5 – 1.0 °C within 20 – 25 Years (einpresswire.com)
New Article in Favour of Methane Removal
Atmospheric methane removal may reduce climate risks – IOPscience
GeoRestoration – a new concept
We at AMR have discussed the concept of GeoRestoration for a while and can now present a paper which decribes in detail how this concept fits in with the current climate debate. https://amr.earth/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/GeoRestoration.pdf