The Legal Framework of Atmospheric Methane Oxidation

AMR is getting more attention. Here the authors explore the legal possibilities for EAMO in the United States. Removing Methane from the Atmosphere: New Sabin Report on Atmospheric Methane Destruction via Oxidation Enhancement – Climate Law Blog (

New Article regarding methane removal

The growing interest in methane removal produces more scientific articles, here is one of them. How much methane removal is required to avoid overshooting 1.5 ∘C? – IOPscience

A research roadmap for exploring AMR

A group of scientists at universities in Denmark and the Netherlands published a 5-year plan to research the validity of Enhanced Atmospheric Methane Oxidation. This is welcome news. AMR plans to drive ahead the technical development in a similar timeframe, which means both could learn from each other. Field tests conducted by AMR could, for […]

AMR Press Declaration

AMR has released a press declaration which you can find here: AMR AG has Developed a Technical Solution to Cool the Global Climate by 0.5 – 1.0 °C within 20 – 25 Years (

GeoRestoration – a new concept

We at AMR have discussed the concept of GeoRestoration for a while and can now present a paper which decribes in detail how this concept fits in with the current climate debate.

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